'El chico y la garza', la primera película de Hayao Miyazaki en una década, ha sido la encargada de dar el pistoletazo de salida al Festival de Toronto. La película (que llegará a los cines españoles el 27 de octubre) ha sido celebrada como una de las mejores inauguraciones del certamen canadiense en mucho tiempo. Su nominación al Oscar en la categoría de mejor película de animación está fuera de toda duda y, a día de hoy, se ha convertido en la única candidata a disputarle la estatuilla a 'Spider-Man: Cruzando el Multiverso'. 'El chico y la garza' ha debutado con un 89 en Metacritic y un perfecto 100% de críticas positivas en Rotten Tomatoes con un 9,5 de nota media. Os hablaremos más sobre ella cuando la veamos dentro de dos semanas en el Festival de San Sebastián, donde también será la película de inauguración.
THE BOY AND THE HERON: Miyazaki's *final* movie is a masterpiece — the work of an immortal man preparing for his own death. it may not reach the soaring heights of The Wind Rises, but it resolves into an even more perfect swan song.
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) September 8, 2023
my #TIFF23 review: https://t.co/FFaArMBXle pic.twitter.com/nfrL3BN1Ar
THE BOY AND THE HERON is another enchanting adventure from one of the great storytellers of our time. A fantastical & emotional journey across space & time. Hayao Miyazaki’s final film may not be his best but it’s better than most out there. Highly imaginative, funny & gorgeous. pic.twitter.com/7wrdeb7qJP
— Matt Neglia @TIFF (@NextBestPicture) September 8, 2023
The Boy and the Heron might be the only animated feature that could give Spider-verse a run for its money this awards season. Miyazaki’s latest is a stunning masterwork full of rich world building & wonderful characters. If this ends up being his final film, he will go out on a… pic.twitter.com/4xwfWX0JFP
— Scott Menzel @ TIFF (@ScottDMenzel) September 8, 2023
I liked THE BOY AND THE HERON more than loved it. Some big reaches for Miyazaki, some that land. Gorgeous score by Joe Hisaishi, moving and thrilling in equal parts. #TIFF23 pic.twitter.com/fCxLU07LaE
— Erik Anderson (@awards_watch) September 8, 2023
Some things are worth the wait and wow Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron is one of those things. Crying at how beautiful this artistry is. a beautiful world and story. See it on the big screen and revel in Miyazaki’s masterpiece. #TheBoyAndTheHeron pic.twitter.com/GrfFSp16D9
— Jazz Tangcay (@jazzt) September 8, 2023
THE BOY AND THE HERON: Fantastic images, luminous animation and a powerful eco-allegory about the fragile state of our planet from anime legend Hayao Miyazahi, happily delaying retirement. TIFF’s first-ever animated opener is its best-ever opening gala. #TIFF23 pic.twitter.com/bCRWd6sNjm
— Peter Howell 🖊 (@peterhowellfilm) September 8, 2023
THE BOY AND THE HERON: Frequently beautiful, occasionally confusing, always arresting fable about building world that will outlast you. Also: parakeet fascists, unborn babies that look like Nintendo’s Kirby meets Minions, and infinity stones. Best TIFF opener in decades? #TIFF23
— Barry Hertz (@HertzBarry) September 8, 2023
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