Todavía estamos en octubre pero ya son muy pocas las aspirantes a los Oscar que todavía permanecen inéditas. Una de ellas era 'Al descubierto (She Said)', la película sobre el "caso Weinstein" que vio la luz anoche en el Festival de Nueva York. Carey Mulligan y Zoe Kazan dan vida a las dos reporteras del New York Times que publicaron la historia que propició el movimiento #MeToo y que ayudó a romper décadas de silencio sobre el tema de las agresiones sexuales en Hollywood. La película dirigida por Maria Schrader (ganadora del Emmy por 'Unorthodox') ha conseguido unas críticas bastante favorables (83% en Rotten Tomatoes y 72 en Metacritic) y ha sido destacada por la honestidad y el respeto con la que aborda el tema, aunque también hay quién echa en falta algo más de riesgo. Hay buenos comentarios para Mulligan y Kazan (la coralidad de la cinta podría hacer que las dos fueran propuestas como secundarias) pero los mayores halagos son para la breve intervención de Samantha Morton.
SHE SAID: A riveting blend of thorough, revelatory reporting and a very emotional story of two journalistic superheroes taking down Weinstein. A good film w/ minor fumbles but one knockout ending! The whole ensemble is exceptional. Especially Mulligan, Morton, and Braugher! #NYFF
— Jason (@jasonosia) October 14, 2022
SHE SAID tells the story we all know with as much respect & earnest emotion as you’d expect. Yet, it still feels self-congratulatory in a disingenuous way. Clunky editing throughout but the cast elevates it with Carey Mulligan delivering a compassionate, deeply felt performance.
— Matt Neglia @NYFF (@NextBestPicture) October 14, 2022
#SheSaid excels as a drama about the struggles to tell the truth and the means of which justice can be achieved. Zoe Kazan and Carey Mulligan shine as the lead reporters. Stand out is Samantha Morton as a solid one-scene-wonder. Nicholas Britell’s score is hauntingly good.
— Jacob@NYFF (@JacobLovesFilm) October 14, 2022
SHE SAID is a profoundly impactful journalistic adaptation that uplifts women’s stories and truths- specific to this case and holistically- while also calling for institutional change. Maria Schrader navigates the work with both a chilling intensity and heartfelt reverence #nyff
— Nick Ruhrkraut (@sauerkraut27) October 14, 2022
-#SheSaid (Maria Schrader):The word "powerful" has lost any meaning in film criticism.Overused as it is, there's no other way to describe this slow building fact by fact, from confession to testimony, from fear of speaking to the bravery of carrying the torch of truth. #NYFF60
— Guillermo López Meza @ NYFF (@LazloAlmasy) October 14, 2022
A solid journalistic procedural, SHE SAID tells the story of The NY Times investigation of Harvey Weinstein with genuine insight and grace. Maria Schrader pours quiet fury into every frame, examining why women feel afraid to come forward about many things, and why they need to.
— Dancin' Dan @ #NYFF60 (@dancindanonfilm) October 14, 2022
Everyone involved understands the grand weight the story SHE SAID tackles. A great journalistic film about the long & grueling process it takes to publish such a piece that’s handled with grace & respect.Mulligan & Kazan shine together as they showcase why women’s stories matter
— Lauren LaMagna (@laurenlamango) October 14, 2022
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